Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID | Activity | Tectonic Setting | Region | Latitude | Longitude | Maximum or Single Reported Depth | Year and How Discovered |
GEISEIR site 4, segment K1 | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SEIR | -41.2025 | 81.0625 | 2800 | 2010 plume only |
GEISEIR site 18, segment L3 | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SEIR | -41.7133 | 87.4375 | 2500 | 2010 plume only |
Mata Fa | active, inferred | arc volcano | Lau Basin | -14.9833 | -173.8000 | 2600 | 2010 plume only |
CIR, 8-17 S, Segment 5, 12.6 S | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | CIR | -12.6000 | 66.1000 | 3800 | 2010 plume only |
VC7 | active, inferred | arc volcano | Hellenic Arc, Aegean Sea | 36.5608 | 25.5250 | 320 | 2010 ROV Hercules |
Yoron Hole | active, confirmed | back-arc spreading center | Okinawa Trough | 27.4916 | 127.5333 | 590 | 2010 ROV Hyperdolphin |
Kemp Caldera | active, confirmed | arc volcano | South Sandwich Arc | -59.7000 | -28.3166 | 1420 | 2010 ROV Isis; 2009 plume only |
Bubbylon | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | N MAR | 37.8000 | -31.5333 | 1000 | 2010 ROV MARUM-QUEST, same cruise as plume discovered by multibeam echosounder |
Kulo Lasi | active, confirmed | back-arc spreading center | Lau Basin | -14.9200 | -177.2500 | 1478 | 2010 submersible Nautile |
Teotihuacan | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | N EPR | 15.7333 | -105.4333 | 2300 | 2010 submersible Nautile; 1997 plume only |
Mata Fitu | active, confirmed | arc volcano | Lau Basin | -14.9166 | -173.7833 | 2750 | 2010 towed camera |
Mata Tolu | active, confirmed | arc volcano | Lau Basin | -15.0049 | -173.7936 | 1900 | 2010 towed camera; 2009 plume and dredge only |
Jade Emperor Mountain | inactive | mid-ocean ridge | SWIR | -37.9400 | 49.2600 | 1500 | 2010 video sled, plume survey, and geological sampling all suggest inactive |
Starfish Seamount, Tinakula | active, confirmed | back-arc spreading center | New Hebrides back-arc | -12.2028 | 167.6139 | 1204 | 2011 commercial ROV; 1989 plume only; 1989 towed camera survey did not confirm activity; 2002 plume and dredge only |
AAR KR1, Mujin | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SEIR | -62.1000 | 158.8000 | 2100 | 2011 plume and biological samples |
TaiJi | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | S MAR | -13.5900 | -14.5200 | 3180 | 2011 plume only |
AAR KR2 | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SEIR | -60.0000 | 152.5000 | 3200 | 2011 plume only |
Enarete Seamount | active, confirmed | arc volcano | Aeolian Arc, Tyrrhenian Sea | 38.6250 | 14.0000 | 600 | 2011 ROV Hercules; 1976 Fe crusts only; 1997 manganese crust only; 2007 plume only |
Moytirra | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | N MAR | 45.4833 | -27.8500 | 2900 | 2011 ROV Holland 1; 2008 plume only MAPRs, ROV Isis buoyant plume, but no visual confirmation |
Tempus Fugit | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | Galapagos Rift | 0.7683 | -85.9100 | 2560 | 2011 ROV Little Hercules |
Pegasus | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | Galapagos Rift | 0.7500 | -88.2000 | 2000 | 2011 ROV Little Hercules |
Uka Pacha | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | Galapagos Rift | 0.7700 | -88.3000 | 2100 | 2011 ROV Little Hercules |
Tonga Arc, Volcano 18 | active, confirmed | arc volcano | Tonga Arc | -24.5850 | -176.9170 | 1465 | 2011 ROV MAGNUM; 2003 plume and dredge only |
Adventure Caldera | active, confirmed | arc volcano | South Sandwich Arc | -59.7210 | -27.8571 | 520 | 2011 SHRIMP towed camera system; 2010 high resolution bathymetry only |
Tangaroa volcano | active, confirmed | arc volcano | Kermadec Arc | -36.3250 | 178.0333 | 890 | 2012 likely towed video or TV grab; 1999 plume only |
FRSC, T12A-01 | active, inferred | back-arc spreading center | Lau Basin | -17.7850 | -174.5260 | 500 | 2012 plume only |
MTJ, V12A-04 | active, inferred | back-arc spreading center | Lau Basin | -15.9540 | -174.7110 | 1330 | 2012 plume only |
Seven Sisters | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | Kolbeinsey Ridge | 71.1500 | -12.7900 | 2200 | 2012 plume only; 2013 ROV Aglantha (may have confirmed); 2013 plume only |
Merian | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | S MAR | -26.0166 | -13.8500 | 2550 | 2012 R/V Dayang Yihao; 2013 AUV Abyss plume and side-scan data |
Alarcon Rise, Ja Sit | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | Gulf of California | 23.3765 | -108.5315 | 2304 | 2012 ROV Doc Ricketts |