Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activitysort ascending Tectonic Setting Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
Izena Cauldron active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Okinawa Trough 27.2667 127.0833 1610 1988 submersible Shinkai 2000
Healy volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Kermadec Arc -34.9840 178.9990 1370 2005 submersible Pisces V; 1999 plume only
Brothers volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Kermadec Arc -34.8667 179.0667 1800 1998 towed camera; 1996 dredging only
Dodo Field active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge CIR -18.3470 65.3050 2730 2009 submersible Shinkai 6500; 2006 plume only
Punta Mita, Bahia de Banderas active, confirmed other Coastal Mexico 20.7700 -105.5200 10 1997 photo/video most likely by SCUBA
Akuseki-jima active, confirmed arc volcano Ryukyu Arc 29.4610 129.5970 5 1993 or earlier, likely by SCUBA
Calyfield active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 0.8300 -89.6083 1660 2002 submersible Alvin
Nifonea Ridge active, confirmed back-arc spreading center New Hebrides back-arc -18.1330 169.5170 1900 2001 towed video; 2013 ROV Kiel 6000 black smokers
Seamount X active, confirmed arc volcano Mariana Arc 13.2500 144.0200 1450 1994 or earlier submersible Shinkai 6500
Kawio Barat active, confirmed arc volcano Sangihe Arc 4.8133 125.0816 1890 2003 towed video, CTD/transmissometer, and dredge
Panarea active, confirmed arc volcano Aeolian Arc, Tyrrhenian Sea 38.6583 15.1000 200 1800's shallow vents; 1995 deeper vents ROV Comex
Loihi Seamount active, confirmed intra-plate volcano Central Pacific 18.9500 -155.2500 4800 1985 bottom photography R/V Hakuho Maru; 1987 submersible Alvin
Teahitia seamount active, confirmed intra-plate volcano Central Pacific -17.5670 -148.8167 1460 1983 submersible Cyana
EPR, 9 50'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.8300 -104.2900 2520 1989 Argo I towed video
Tiancheng active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge SWIR -27.9670 63.5500 3600 2014 HOV Jiaolong; 1997 plume only; 2009 DY115-20 Leg 7 plume and deposits;
Misiteli active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -22.4700 -176.7030 2050 2008 commercial ROV; 2003 plume only
ABE active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -20.7619 -176.1910 2220 2004 AUV ABE; 2004 plume only on previous cruise
Medusa active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.1404 -104.2065 2580 2007 ROV Jason II; 1991 plume only
Axial Seamount, International District active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 45.9266 -129.9795 1544 1986 submersible Pisces IV
Dorado Outcrop active, confirmed other 9.0800 -87.0950 3000 2013 ROV Jason Dive J2-751
EPR, 21 N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 20.8333 -109.0833 2600 1979 submersible Alvin; 1978 submersible Cyana discovered mineral deposits only
SPOT, Hatoma Knoll active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Okinawa Trough 24.8550 123.8410 1520 1999 submersible Shinkai 2000
EPR, 18 26'S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -18.4333 -113.3833 2650 1993 submersible Nautile; 1983 seafloor photos, temperature anomalies, and deposits did not confirm activity; 1984 submersible Cyana observed only inactive sites; 1985/86 or 1989 TV grab (need to check references to confirm activity)
Main Endeavour Field active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 47.9487 -129.0981 2220 1984 submersible Alvin; 1982 dredge only
Natsushima 84-1 Knoll active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Okinawa Trough 27.5750 127.1417 1600 1986 submersible Shinkai 2000
ESR, E2 active, confirmed back-arc spreading center East Scotia Ridge -56.0917 -30.3250 2641 2009 towed video; 1999 plume only; 2010 ROV Isis
Myojin Knoll active, confirmed arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 32.1033 139.8683 1360 1996 submersible Shinkai 2000
Jaco Scar active, confirmed arc volcano Costa Rica fore arc 9.1175 -84.8397 1790 2009 submersible Alvin
Don Joao de Castro Bank active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Terceira Rift 38.2300 -26.6300 45 1995 SCUBA
Suiyo Seamount active, confirmed arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 28.5750 140.6417 1380 1991 submersible Shinkai 2000
