Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activity Tectonic Settingsort ascending Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
GEISEIR site 38, segment O4 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -48.0048 98.8232 2800 2009 plume only
Carlsberg Ridge, 63 50'E active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Carlsberg Ridge 3.6916 63.8333 3500 2009 plume only; 2012 plume and deposits
Guaymas Basin, Northern Trough inactive mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 27.3050 -111.5067 2000 1977 submersible Seacliff (hydrothermal deposits only)
Uka Pacha active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 0.7700 -88.3000 2100 2011 ROV Little Hercules
EPR, 17 47'S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -17.7900 -113.3000 2600 1993 plume only
Snake Pit active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 23.3683 -44.9500 3500 1985 real-time TV and imaging sonar; earlier in 1985 seafloor photographs did not confirm activity
Nereus Deep active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Red Sea 23.1670 37.2830 2400 1972 deposits only
E Eye of Mordor inactive mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 1.9058 -91.2310 1600 2005 towed video Medea found inactive chimneys
MAR, segment south of St. Paul system active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 0.5000 -25.0000 3500 2013 plume only
EPR, 26.5 S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -26.4833 -112.6250 2064 1993 submersible Nautile (or earlier)
Merian active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -26.0166 -13.8500 2550 2012 R/V Dayang Yihao; 2013 AUV Abyss plume and side-scan data
MAR, 27 N active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 27.0000 -44.5000 2900 1993 plume only
EPR, 20 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -20.0333 -113.6843 3000 1999 submersible Alvin did not confirm activity
Ringvent active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 27.5083 -111.6792 1740 2016 submersible Alvin; 2009 towed camera/CTD/bottles
Jade Emperor Mountain inactive mid-ocean ridge SWIR -37.9400 49.2600 1500 2010 video sled, plume survey, and geological sampling all suggest inactive
MAR, 12 48'N inactive mid-ocean ridge N MAR 12.8000 -44.7883 2400 NotProvided
GEISEIR site 5, segment K1 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -41.2420 81.1580 2860 1996 plume only; 2007 plume only
Logatchev-1 active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 14.7520 -44.9785 3050 1993-1994 TV grab and towed photo system; 1995 submersible Mir followed by submersible Nautile
EPR, 11 30'N active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 11.4833 -103.7833 2422 1981 towed camera and plume did not confirm activity; 1988 submersible Alvin dive #1996 (need reference to confirm activity)
TAG active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 26.1367 -44.8267 3670 1985 towed camera and temperature anomaly; 1986 submersible Alvin
EPR, 9 17'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.2800 -104.2166 2585 1989 Argo I towed video
SWIR, D82 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.2080 15.5830 4100 2000-2001 plume only
Middle Valley, Bent Hill Massive Sulfide active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 48.4341 -128.6812 2440 1990 HOV Alvin, 1985 deposits only
EPR, 30.4 S, Segment E2 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -30.3750 -111.7640 2320 1998 plume only
GEISEIR site 28, segment M6 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -44.7237 94.6039 2700 2009 plume only
CIR, 8-17 S, Segment 6, 14.75 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge CIR -14.7500 66.5000 3400 2010 plume only
Markov Deep active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 5.9100 -33.1800 3500 2001-2002 and 2003 dredge only
GEISEIR site 17, segment L3 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -41.6498 87.3481 2500 2010 plume only
Owen transform fault inactive mid-ocean ridge Carlsberg Ridge 9.8333 57.9500 4500 NotProvided
Gakkel Ridge, Site 6 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Gakkel Ridge 86.5333 43.0000 3000 2001 plume only
