Notes on Vent Field Description:
split this listing from "MESO" after consulting (Herzig & Plueger 1988); segment SCIR III just north of "MESO"; Herzig & Plueger (1988): "central neovolcanic ridge appears to be the focus of hydrothermal activity in area JX. This is indicated by hydrocast data, a potential temperature anomaly, and basalt alteration", "significant potential temperature anomaly... was found on top of the eastern flank of the central ridge close to station 53"
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
1986 plume only (camera tow did not confirm)
Discovery References (text):
Herzig & Plueger, Can. Miner., 26, 721-736, 1988, Exploration for hydrothermal activity near the Rodriguez Triple Junction, Indian Ocean.