Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activity Tectonic Settingsort descending Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
Nishinoshima Island active, inferred arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 27.2367 140.8783 5 1975 SCUBA
Tonga Arc, Volcano J1 active, inferred arc volcano Tonga Arc -17.2400 -173.9500 560 2004 plume only
Taketomi Thermal Area active, confirmed arc volcano Ryukyu Arc 24.3483 124.1017 23 1987 or earlier, likely by SCUBA
SW Syoyo active, inferred arc volcano Mariana Arc 22.3870 142.7620 1750 2003 plume only
Leyte active, inferred arc volcano Luzon/Bicol Arc 11.5000 124.7000 2002 or earlier some indications of activity
Monowai Caldera active, confirmed arc volcano Tonga Arc -25.8000 -177.1500 1165 2005 with submersibles PISCES IV and PISCES V and ROV RCV-150; 2004 plume only
Macauley Caldera active, confirmed arc volcano Kermadec Arc -30.2140 -178.7210 500 2002 towed camera TAN0205 cruise
Niua North active, confirmed arc volcano Tonga Arc -15.0667 -173.5667 1375 2012 ROV Quest 4000; 2008 plume only
Mata Nima inactive arc volcano Lau Basin -14.9583 -173.7833 2670 2010 no plume detected
Daikoku volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Mariana Arc 21.3240 144.1940 450 2004 ROV ROPOS; 2003 plume only
Kasuga 1 Seamount inactive arc volcano Mariana Arc 21.7650 143.7100 600 2003 no plume detected
Komba-ridge active, inferred arc volcano Banda/Sunda Arc -7.9800 123.8000 1000 2001 CTD temperature anomaly and dredged sulfides
NE Anatahan submarine volcano active, inferred arc volcano Mariana Arc 16.3750 145.7250 460 2003 multibeam and sidescan sonar only
Ahyi active, inferred arc volcano Mariana Arc 20.4200 145.0300 60 2003 plume only
Tonga Arc, Volcano 14 active, inferred arc volcano Tonga Arc -23.5750 -176.7050 985 2003 plume and dredge only
Ruby active, confirmed arc volcano Mariana Arc 15.6200 145.5700 214 2006 ROV Jason II; 2003 plume only
Nisiros active, confirmed arc volcano Hellenic Arc, Aegean Sea 36.5600 27.1400 18 1994 or earlier, likely by SCUBA
Niua South active, confirmed arc volcano Tonga Arc -15.1650 -173.5700 1180 2008 commercial ROV
Tangaroa volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Kermadec Arc -36.3250 178.0333 890 2012 likely towed video or TV grab; 1999 plume only
Hot Beach, Mendeleev Volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Kuril Arc 43.9760 145.7360 1 1990 or earlier, from the beach
Monowai Cone active, inferred arc volcano Tonga Arc -25.8870 -177.1880 150 1998 R/V Sonne SO-135; 2004 plume only
Omuro Hole active, confirmed arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 34.5467 139.4417 200 2012 ROV Hyper-Dolphin
Mata Fa active, inferred arc volcano Lau Basin -14.9833 -173.8000 2600 2010 plume only
Healy volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Kermadec Arc -34.9840 178.9990 1370 2005 submersible Pisces V; 1999 plume only
Kasuga 2 Seamount active, confirmed arc volcano Mariana Arc 21.6000 143.6167 500 1987 submersible Alvin
Kos active, confirmed arc volcano Hellenic Arc, Aegean Sea 36.8500 27.2500 10 1983 or earlier, likely by SCUBA
Tonga Arc, Volcano 15 active, inferred arc volcano Tonga Arc -23.9000 -176.7800 1400 2003 plume only
Rumble II West active, inferred arc volcano Kermadec Arc -35.3600 178.5170 1500 1996 dredging only; 1999 plume only
Banda Api active, confirmed arc volcano Banda/Sunda Arc -4.5250 129.8710 3 1993 SCUBA
Sangeang Island active, confirmed arc volcano Banda/Sunda Arc -8.1300 119.0900 2 1991 or earlier, from beach
