Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
To sort the list of Vent Fields, click on a column header.
To view details for a specific Vent Field, click on the Name ID.
To view the subset of Vent Fields that contain a specific category, click on the category (for example, "active, confirmed" in the "Activity" column).

Vent Field Name ID Activity Tectonic Setting Region Latitudesort ascending Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
SEIR-WXC15 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 135.3000 3000 2015 plume only
SEIR-WXC12 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 136.2500 2780 2015 plume only
SEIR-WXC02 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 137.0000 2620 2015 plume only
SEIR-WXC07 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 138.3000 2420 2015 plume only
SEIR-WXC25 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 131.9000 3050 2015 plume only
SEIR-WXC06 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 138.5500 2400 2015 plume only
SEIR-WXC22 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 132.1000 2950 2015 plume only
SEIR-WXC17 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.3000 133.8000 2780 2015 plume only
SEIR-WXC27 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.4000 134.3000 2760 2015 plume only
SWIR, D82 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.2080 15.5830 4100 2000-2001 plume only
SWIR, D57 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.2240 13.7380 3517 2000-2001 plume and dredge only
SWIR, D62 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.2530 15.1030 3990 2000-2001 plume and dredge only
SWIR, D50B active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.4200 12.7480 3913 2000-2001 plume and dredge only
SWIR, D54 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.4370 13.3120 4029 2000-2001 plume and dredge only
SWIR, D9B active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.7070 18.8170 3931 2000-2001 plume and dredge only
SWIR, D36 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.7490 11.7110 3981 2000-2001 plume and dredge only
SWIR, D20 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -53.0200 22.1880 4170 2000-2001 plume and dredge only
ESR, E2 active, confirmed back-arc spreading center East Scotia Ridge -56.0917 -30.3250 2641 2009 towed video; 1999 plume only; 2010 ROV Isis
ESR, E5 active, inferred back-arc spreading center East Scotia Ridge -57.5000 -30.2000 3000 1999 plume only
Douglas Strait caldera, Thule Island, South Sandwich Islands active, inferred arc volcano South Sandwich Arc -59.4167 -27.3333 625 2009 plume only; 2008 or earlier high resolution bathymetry only
Kemp Caldera active, confirmed arc volcano South Sandwich Arc -59.7000 -28.3166 1420 2010 ROV Isis; 2009 plume only
Adventure Caldera active, confirmed arc volcano South Sandwich Arc -59.7210 -27.8571 520 2011 SHRIMP towed camera system; 2010 high resolution bathymetry only
Pacific-Antarctic Ridge, 60 S segment active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Pacific-Antarctic Ridge -60.0000 -152.0000 2300 2009 plume only
AAR KR2 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -60.0000 152.5000 3200 2011 plume only
ESR, E9 active, confirmed back-arc spreading center East Scotia Ridge -60.0500 -29.9300 2402 2009 towed video; 1999 plume only; 2010 ROV Isis
AAR KR1, Mujin active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -62.1000 158.8000 2100 2011 plume and biological samples
Hook Ridge active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Bransfield Strait -62.1940 -57.2745 1080 1997 hot sediment; 1995 plume only; 1999 even hotter sediment
Three Sisters, Middle Sister active, inferred back-arc spreading center Bransfield Strait -62.6420 -58.9833 1040 1995 plume only; 1999 still had no visual confirmation
Little Volcano active, inferred back-arc spreading center Bransfield Strait -62.7500 -59.2500 1500 1995 plume only
Deception Island active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Bransfield Strait -62.9500 -60.6500 100 1995 or earlier intertidal
