Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activitysort descending Tectonic Setting Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
Irabu Knoll active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Okinawa Trough 25.2300 124.8800 1850 2000 submersible Shinkai 6500; 1986 seafloor photos did not confirm activity
Enarete Seamount active, confirmed arc volcano Aeolian Arc, Tyrrhenian Sea 38.6250 14.0000 600 2011 ROV Hercules; 1976 Fe crusts only; 1997 manganese crust only; 2007 plume only
Doyo Seamount active, confirmed arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 27.6833 140.8167 520 1990 submersible Shinkai 2000
Kilo Moana active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -20.0532 -176.1336 2620 2004 AUV ABE; 2004 plume only on previous cruise
Guaymas Basin, Northern Trough_2 active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 27.4110 -111.3879 1800 2015 ROV Hybis
Myojin Knoll active, confirmed arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 32.1033 139.8683 1360 1996 submersible Shinkai 2000
EPR, 7 25'S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -7.4167 -107.8000 2750 1985/86 or 1989 TV grab (need to check references to confirm activity); 1998 submersible Alvin
Aden active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Aden Ridge 11.9500 43.6667 1600 1984 submersible Cyana
EPR, 11 24'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 11.4000 -103.7800 2580 1990 submersible Alvin; 1988 submersible Alvin dive #1994 (need reference to confirm activity)
Tahi Moana 2 active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -21.9200 -176.5330 1870 1989 submersible Nautile (need reference to check if activity confirmed); 2004 plume only; 2008 commercial ROV (report does not confirm activity)
Hinepuia volcanic center active, confirmed arc volcano Kermadec Arc -26.3900 -177.2600 300 2013 HOV Shinkai 6500; 2004 plume and dredging NZAPLUME III expedition
Galapagos Mounds active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 1.4500 -86.1665 2700 1977 submersible Alvin
Stanton Seamount active, confirmed arc volcano New Hebrides Arc -10.8670 166.7000 800 2002 towed video
Axial Seamount, ASHES active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 45.9333 -130.0140 1540 1984 submersible Alvin
Espalamaca active, confirmed intra-plate volcano 38.5500 -28.6000 50 2010 or earlier likely SCUBA
Magic Mountain active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Explorer Ridge 49.7500 -130.2667 1850 1984 submersible Pisces IV
West Rota volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Mariana Arc 14.3250 144.8330 1150 2005 ROV Hyper-Dolphin; 2003 plume only; 2004 ROV ROPOS did not observe venting
EPR, Ridge 3, 20 40'S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -20.3333 -113.6792 3050 1983 Deep Tow camera
Bahia Concepcion active, confirmed other Coastal Baja California 26.6667 -111.8333 15 1968 or earlier, likely by SCUBA
Mata Fitu active, confirmed arc volcano Lau Basin -14.9166 -173.7833 2750 2010 towed camera
Kairei Field active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge CIR -25.3195 70.0400 2460 2000 ROV Kaiko; 1993 plume only
Broken Spur active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 29.1700 -43.1717 3100 1993 submersible Alvin; earlier in 1993, water column anomalies and towed camera did not confirm activity
NE Pual active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Manus Basin -3.6754 151.7272 1875 2006 ROV Jason II
Mokuyo Seamount active, confirmed arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 28.3200 140.5800 1200 1990 submersible Shinkai 2000
Piip Submarine Volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Aleutian Arc, western 55.4167 167.2717 500 1990 Mir submersible; 1981 R/V "Vulcanolog" cruise; 1987 (or 1986) echo-sounder fluid discharge
Hafa Adai active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Mariana Trough 16.9570 144.8680 3294 2016 ROV Deep Discoverer; 2015 AUV Sentry plume mapping
Kolbeinsey Field active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Kolbeinsey Ridge 67.0833 -18.7167 110 1988 submersible GEO
Mariana Trough, Central Trough active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Mariana Trough 18.0467 144.7533 3676 1987 submersible Alvin
Menez Gwen active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 37.8417 -31.5250 865 1994 submersible Nautile
EPR, 23 30'S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -23.5333 -115.5667 2600 1987 or earlier [need to check Marchig & Gundlach (1987)]; 2005 submersible Alvin
