Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID | Activity | Tectonic Setting | Region | Latitude | Longitude | Maximum or Single Reported Depth | Year and How Discovered |
Aden New Century Mountains | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | Aden Ridge | 12.0833 | 45.6667 | 800 | 2000-2001 plume only |
GEISEIR site 20, segment L3 | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SEIR | -41.9508 | 87.8008 | 2400 | 2010 plume only |
GEISEIR site 27, segment M5 | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SEIR | -43.9805 | 93.4571 | 2700 | 2009 plume only |
EPR, 17 53'S | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | S EPR | -17.8800 | -113.3000 | 2610 | 1993 plume only |
CIR, Segment 3, Hydrothermal Plume Site | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | CIR | -24.0000 | 69.6667 | 2840 | 1987 plume only; 2005/2006 plume only |
DSDP Hole 504B | inactive | mid-ocean ridge | Galapagos Rift | 1.2267 | -83.7300 | 3500 | NotProvided |
Lucky Strike | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | N MAR | 37.2933 | -32.2733 | 1740 | 1993 submersible Alvin; 1992 dredge and plume only |
SWIR, 63.9 E | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SWIR | -27.8510 | 63.9230 | 2759 | 2009 DY115-20 Leg 7 (need reference to confirm activity) |
MAR, 19 S | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | S MAR | -19.3301 | -11.9421 | 2707 | 2013 plume only |
Suakin Deep | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | Red Sea | 19.6333 | 38.7333 | 2850 | 1972 deposits only |
Kolbeinsey Field | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | Kolbeinsey Ridge | 67.0833 | -18.7167 | 110 | 1988 submersible GEO |
EPR, 7 S | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | S EPR | -7.0000 | -107.5500 | 2600 | 1985/86 or 1989 TV grab |
Rose Garden | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | Galapagos Rift | 0.8058 | -86.2267 | 2550 | 1977 submersible Alvin; 1976 plume and photographs of clam shells did not confirm activity (note: Rose Garden is used here as the name of the vent field, but Rose Garden vent site itself not discovered until 1979) |
MAR, 15 50'N | inactive | mid-ocean ridge | N MAR | 15.8667 | -46.6667 | 3000 | NotProvided |
GEISEIR site 38, segment O4 | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SEIR | -48.0048 | 98.8232 | 2800 | 2009 plume only |
EPR, 21 20'S | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | S EPR | -21.3670 | -114.2570 | 2900 | 1981 plume only; 1987-1988 deposits only |
EPR, 23 30'S | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | S EPR | -23.5333 | -115.5667 | 2600 | 1987 or earlier [need to check Marchig & Gundlach (1987)]; 2005 submersible Alvin |
EPR, 11 30'N | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | N EPR | 11.4833 | -103.7833 | 2422 | 1981 towed camera and plume did not confirm activity; 1988 submersible Alvin dive #1996 (need reference to confirm activity) |
MAR, 11 N | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | N MAR | 11.0380 | -43.6483 | 4010 | 1984 plume only; 2009 plume only |
Luso | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | N MAR | 38.9833 | -29.8833 | 570 | 2018 ROV Luso |
SWIR, Plume 3, Segment 16 | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SWIR | -30.8500 | 59.3830 | 3900 | 1997 plume only |
Precious Stone Mountain | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | Galapagos Rift | 1.2200 | -101.4900 | 1700 | 2009 deep-tow video and TV grab |
SEIR-WXC27 | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SEIR | -50.4000 | 134.3000 | 2760 | 2015 plume only |
EPR, 9 17'N | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | N EPR | 9.2800 | -104.2166 | 2585 | 1989 Argo I towed video |
near Jade Emperor Mountain, on-axis | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | SWIR | -37.8666 | 49.2166 | 3000 | 2010 plume only |
Axial Seamount, CASM | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | JdF Ridge | 45.9892 | -130.0272 | 1580 | 1983 submersible Pisces IV |
Tempus Fugit | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | Galapagos Rift | 0.7683 | -85.9100 | 2560 | 2011 ROV Little Hercules |
EPR, 29.8 S, Segment E1 | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | S EPR | -29.8000 | -111.7300 | 2580 | 1998 plume only |
EPR, 15 S | active, inferred | mid-ocean ridge | S EPR | -15.0000 | -112.7700 | 2640 | 1985/86 or 1989 TV grab (need to check references to confirm activity); 1993 plume only |
Not Dead Yet | active, confirmed | mid-ocean ridge | JdF Ridge | 46.6899 | -129.3772 | 2419 | 2007 ROV Jason II; 1991 camera tow did not confirm activity |