Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activitysort ascending Tectonic Setting Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
W Los Huellos Caldera active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 1.0000 -90.6000 1600 2005 plume only
Boomerang Seamount active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -37.7217 77.8250 850 1996 plume and wax core only
CIR, 8-17 S, Segment 4, 10.9 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge CIR -10.9000 66.7000 3500 2010 plume only
Lucky B active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Lena Trough 81.3610 -3.4400 4000 1999 dredging only
EPR, 28.4 S, Segment W4 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -28.4170 -112.9640 2350 1998 plume only
Three Sisters, Middle Sister active, inferred back-arc spreading center Bransfield Strait -62.6420 -58.9833 1040 1995 plume only; 1999 still had no visual confirmation
NELSC, T08C09 and T08C18 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -15.4030 -174.2630 1800 2008 plume only
ET active, inferred mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 48.1993 -128.9257 2500 NotProvided
Reykjanes Ridge, Area A active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Reykjanes Ridge 62.4500 -25.4330 500 NotProvided
Douglas Strait caldera, Thule Island, South Sandwich Islands active, inferred arc volcano South Sandwich Arc -59.4167 -27.3333 625 2009 plume only; 2008 or earlier high resolution bathymetry only
SWIR, Plume 6 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -27.7670 65.1330 3200 1997 plume only
MAR, segment south of St. Paul system active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 0.5000 -25.0000 3500 2013 plume only
MAR, 11 26'N active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 11.4482 -43.7035 3835 2009 plume only
Knipovich Ridge, 76 48'N active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Knipovich Ridge 76.7833 8.0000 3500 1996 temperature anomaly and towed video did not confirm activity
EPR, 5 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -5.0000 -106.4000 2650 1980's camera tows; 1993 and 1998 plume only; 1998 submersible Alvin did not confirm activity
FRSC, Central active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -16.4917 -174.5417 2419 2004 plume only
Solwara 18 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Manus Basin -3.0760 147.2390 1308 2008 plumes with some sites subsequently observed with ROV; 2009 commercial ROV Fugro FV300 (activity not confirmed)
Daiichi-Amami knoll active, inferred arc volcano Ryukyu Arc 28.4500 128.7500 350 2013 multibeam echo sounder on S/V Takuyo and AUV Gondo
S-OH1 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 34.5330 -36.8500 3000 1996 submersible Nautile did not find active vents; 2000 or earlier plume only
Tonga Arc, Volcano A active, inferred arc volcano Tonga Arc -20.8600 -175.5500 700 2004 plume only
Gamble volcanic center active, inferred arc volcano Kermadec Arc -27.2000 -177.4100 250 2004 plume and dredging NZAPLUME III expedition
Kuiwai active, inferred arc volcano Kermadec Arc -33.1560 -179.9560 630 2002 plume only
GEISEIR site 17, segment L3 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -41.6498 87.3481 2500 2010 plume only
Gakkel Ridge, Site 8 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Gakkel Ridge 86.5333 69.0000 3500 2001 plume only
GEISEIR site 32, segment O2 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -47.1196 96.8947 2600 2009 plume only
Secca del Capo active, inferred arc volcano Aeolian Arc, Tyrrhenian Sea 38.6333 14.8500 240 1995 ROV Comex deposits only; 2007 plume only
MAR, 17 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -17.2522 -14.2270 3280 2013 plume only
Okinawa Trough, Site ES2 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Okinawa Trough 28.8137 128.1028 779 1992 dredge only
SWIR, D54 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.4370 13.3120 4029 2000-2001 plume and dredge only
W Syoyo active, inferred arc volcano Mariana Arc 22.5080 142.5330 2150 2003 plume only
