Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activitysort ascending Tectonic Setting Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
Tonga Arc, Volcano 15 active, inferred arc volcano Tonga Arc -23.9000 -176.7800 1400 2003 plume only
Lucky B active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Lena Trough 81.3610 -3.4400 4000 1999 dredging only
Kuwae submarine caldera active, inferred arc volcano New Hebrides Arc -16.8300 168.5300 484 2001 plume and inconclusive grab samples
MAR, 4 02'S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -4.0333 -12.2500 4000 2005 plume only
S-OH1 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 34.5330 -36.8500 3000 1996 submersible Nautile did not find active vents; 2000 or earlier plume only
FRSC, 14b, 16.31 S active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -16.3110 -174.5550 2380 2008 plume only
EPR, 29.5 S, Segment E1 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -29.5000 -111.7200 2580 1998 plume only
Fukujin volcano active, inferred arc volcano Mariana Arc 21.9300 143.4700 1100 1987 deposits only
Kavachi submarine volcano active, inferred arc volcano Solomons Arc -8.9833 157.9667 500 2000 plume only
Merian active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -26.0166 -13.8500 2550 2012 R/V Dayang Yihao; 2013 AUV Abyss plume and side-scan data
SEIR-WXC25 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 131.9000 3050 2015 plume only
EPR, 1 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -0.8000 -102.4600 2800 2005 plume only
ELSC3 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -21.1667 -176.3333 2140 2009 plume only
GEISEIR site 14, segment L1 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -41.0716 86.1550 2700 2010 plume only
MAR, 11 26'N active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 11.4482 -43.7035 3835 2009 plume only
GEISEIR site 7, segment K3 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -41.8020 81.8380 2540 1996 plume only; 2010 plume only
EPR, 7 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -7.0000 -107.5500 2600 1985/86 or 1989 TV grab
EPR, southern 17 N segment active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 16.5800 -105.3000 2700 1997 plume only
Eye of Mordor Seamount active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 1.9410 -91.3100 1555 2005 plume only
CLSC, CL_7 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -18.1333 -176.3667 2250 2009 plume only
EPR, 11 45'N, OSC active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 11.7775 -103.8300 2580 1984 Angus camera (or 1985 Argo video) tow with temperature; 1988 submersible Alvin dive #2004 (need reference to confirm activity)
EPR, 17 42'S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -17.7000 -113.2500 2600 1993 plume only
SWIR, 53.2 E active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -36.1010 53.2550 2218 2008 plume and dredge only
GEISEIR site 30, segment O1 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -46.6240 96.0594 2500 2009 plume only
N-ELSC, plume 29 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -19.6000 -175.9750 2700 2004 plume only
VFR, plume 4 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -22.3400 -176.6590 1700 2004 plume only
Kolbeinsey Ridge, 69 N active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Kolbeinsey Ridge 68.7581 -16.0000 1200 1980 or earlier sediments only
near Jade Emperor Mountain, on-axis active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -37.8666 49.2166 3000 2010 plume only
Stromboli active, inferred arc volcano Aeolian Arc, Tyrrhenian Sea 38.7890 15.2130 250 1969 Fe crusts only
Reykjanes Ridge, Area B active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Reykjanes Ridge 59.8167 -29.6833 1000 1992 submersible Mir did not find vents
