Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activitysort descending Tectonic Setting Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
Kolumbo active, confirmed arc volcano Hellenic Arc, Aegean Sea 36.5250 25.4833 500 2006 ROV Hercules
Calyfield active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 0.8300 -89.6083 1660 2002 submersible Alvin
Hine Hina active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -22.5300 -176.6970 1900 1989 submersible Nautile
Milos active, confirmed arc volcano Hellenic Arc, Aegean Sea 36.6667 24.5167 200 1987 or earlier, likely by SCUBA; 1992 Minirover ROV deeper sites
Mariana Trough, 15.5 N active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Mariana Trough 15.4080 144.5090 4196 2015 plume only, 2016 ROV did not confirm
Rumble V volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Kermadec Arc -36.1333 178.1833 755 2001 towed camera; 1999 plume and dredged mussel shells
Franklin Seamount active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Woodlark Basin -9.9083 151.8300 2366 1990 submersible Mir
Sasquatch Field active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 47.9969 -129.0662 2200 2000 submersible Alvin
NE Pual active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Manus Basin -3.6754 151.7272 1875 2006 ROV Jason II
Doyo Seamount active, confirmed arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 27.6833 140.8167 520 1990 submersible Shinkai 2000
El Hierro, Tagoro active, confirmed intra-plate volcano 27.6200 -17.9900 350 2016 submersible JAGO, 2017 ROV Liropus 2000, 2011 water column sampling
Loihi Seamount active, confirmed intra-plate volcano Central Pacific 18.9500 -155.2500 4800 1985 bottom photography R/V Hakuho Maru; 1987 submersible Alvin
Adventure Caldera active, confirmed arc volcano South Sandwich Arc -59.7210 -27.8571 520 2011 SHRIMP towed camera system; 2010 high resolution bathymetry only
EPR, 9 40'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.6500 -104.2600 2572 1989 Argo I towed video; 1991 submersible Alvin
Medusa active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.1404 -104.2065 2580 2007 ROV Jason II; 1991 plume only
Hafa Adai active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Mariana Trough 16.9570 144.8680 3294 2016 ROV Deep Discoverer; 2015 AUV Sentry plume mapping
Teahitia seamount active, confirmed intra-plate volcano Central Pacific -17.5670 -148.8167 1460 1983 submersible Cyana
Tiancheng active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge SWIR -27.9670 63.5500 3600 2014 HOV Jiaolong; 1997 plume only; 2009 DY115-20 Leg 7 plume and deposits;
Kaikata Seamount active, confirmed arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 26.7000 141.0833 930 1988 submersible Shinkai 2000; 1985 dredge only
Pika active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Mariana Trough 12.9183 143.6483 2990 2003 submersible Shinkai 6500; 2003 plume only
Banua Wuhu submarine volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Sangihe Arc 3.1380 125.4910 10 1996 or earlier, likely by SCUBA
Main Endeavour Field active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 47.9487 -129.0981 2220 1984 submersible Alvin; 1982 dredge only
Tow Cam active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -20.3169 -176.1367 2700 2004 AUV ABE; 2004 plume only on previous cruise
Prony Bay active, confirmed other -22.3333 166.8333 50 1979 or earlier, likely SCUBA
Mata Ua active, confirmed arc volcano Lau Basin -15.0166 -173.7833 2397 2012 ROV Quest 4000; 2010 plume only (towed camera did not confirm)
Suiyo Seamount active, confirmed arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 28.5750 140.6417 1380 1991 submersible Shinkai 2000
Daisan-Kume Knoll active, confirmed arc volcano Ryukyu Arc 26.3020 126.4125 1370 2015 ROV Kaiko; 2014 ROV Hyper Dolphin 3000 Dive 1761 may have confirmed; 2014 AUV temperature anomaly
EPR, 21 N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 20.8333 -109.0833 2600 1979 submersible Alvin; 1978 submersible Cyana discovered mineral deposits only
Evan active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 37.2667 -32.2833 1775 2006 submersible Nautile
Kilo Moana active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -20.0532 -176.1336 2620 2004 AUV ABE; 2004 plume only on previous cruise
