Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activitysort ascending Tectonic Setting Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
TOTO Caldera active, confirmed arc volcano Mariana Arc 12.7167 143.5333 2960 2000 deep-tow camera (later, same year - ROV Kaiko); 1998 or earlier hydrothermal deposits dredged; 1998 plume only
EPR, 9 40'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.6500 -104.2600 2572 1989 Argo I towed video; 1991 submersible Alvin
Adventure Caldera active, confirmed arc volcano South Sandwich Arc -59.7210 -27.8571 520 2011 SHRIMP towed camera system; 2010 high resolution bathymetry only
Ringvent active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 27.5083 -111.6792 1740 2016 submersible Alvin; 2009 towed camera/CTD/bottles
Iguanas-Pinguinos active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 2.1000 -91.9350 1640 2005 towed video Medea
Sumisu Caldera active, confirmed arc volcano Izu-Bonin Arc 31.4667 140.0667 690 1998 submersible Shinkai 2000
Guaymas Basin, Northern Trough_2 active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 27.4110 -111.3879 1800 2015 ROV Hybis
Prony Bay active, confirmed other -22.3333 166.8333 50 1979 or earlier, likely SCUBA
Mariana Mounds active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Mariana Trough 18.0333 144.2833 3600 1987 submersible Alvin
TAG active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 26.1367 -44.8267 3670 1985 towed camera and temperature anomaly; 1986 submersible Alvin
Feather Duster active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 10.9267 -103.6767 2520 1984 towed camera and submersible Alvin
White Church active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -21.9612 -176.5234 1960 1989 submersible Nautile; 2004 plume survey
Mata Ua active, confirmed arc volcano Lau Basin -15.0166 -173.7833 2397 2012 ROV Quest 4000; 2010 plume only (towed camera did not confirm)
Kasuga 3 Seamount active, confirmed arc volcano Mariana Arc 21.3833 143.6000 1140 1987 submersible Alvin
Minami-Ensei Knoll active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Okinawa Trough 28.3917 127.6417 740 1988 deep tow TV surveys followed by submersible Shinkai 2000; 1986 dredged Calyptogena shells
13 N Ridge Site active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Mariana Trough 13.0987 143.6886 3036 2000 deep-tow camera (later, same year - ROV Kaiko)
Tonga Arc, Volcano 1 active, confirmed arc volcano Tonga Arc -21.1500 -175.7500 210 2005 with submersibles PISCES IV and PISCES V and ROV RCV-150; 2003 plume and dredge only
Piip Submarine Volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Aleutian Arc, western 55.4167 167.2717 500 1990 Mir submersible; 1981 R/V "Vulcanolog" cruise; 1987 (or 1986) echo-sounder fluid discharge
Rapa Nui active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -21.5620 -114.3000 2845 1999 submersible Alvin; 1987-1988 deposits only
EPR, 18 15'S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -18.2500 -113.3500 2680 1993 submersible Nautile
East Blanco Depression active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 44.2170 -129.6250 3460 1994 ROV U.S. Navy's Advanced Tethered Vehicle
Macdonald Seamount active, confirmed intra-plate volcano Central Pacific -28.9833 -140.2500 150 1989 submersible Cyana
Nolan's Nook active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -31.1500 -111.9167 2330 1999 submersible Alvin; 1998 plume only
Solitaire Field active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge CIR -19.5450 65.8500 2630 2009 submersible Shinkai 6500; 2006 plume only
Sakai active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Okinawa Trough 27.5481 126.9895 1600 1988 submersible Shinkai 2000; 1987 plume only
Niuatahi active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -15.3790 -174.0196 1635 2009 ROV Jason II; 2003 plume only; 2004 dredging (SS11/2004 cruise); 2005 plume only; 2008 commercial ROV (report does not confirm activity)
NE Pual active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Manus Basin -3.6754 151.7272 1875 2006 ROV Jason II
Banua Wuhu submarine volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Sangihe Arc 3.1380 125.4910 10 1996 or earlier, likely by SCUBA
Tafu active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -15.3833 -174.2500 1400 2008 or 2009 commercial ROV; 2008 plume only; 2009 ROV Jason II
Rumble V volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Kermadec Arc -36.1333 178.1833 755 2001 towed camera; 1999 plume and dredged mussel shells
