Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activity Tectonic Setting Region Latitude Longitudesort ascending Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
EPR, 9 40'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.6500 -104.2600 2572 1989 Argo I towed video; 1991 submersible Alvin
EPR, 9 47'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.7750 -104.2802 2560 1989 Argo I towed video; 1991 submersible Alvin
EPR, 9 50'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.8300 -104.2900 2520 1989 Argo I towed video
EPR, 10 08'N active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 10.1300 -104.3300 2580 1983 towed camera and temperature measurements (no direct observations/sampling of hydrothermal fluid)
EPR, 10 02'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 10.0330 -104.3300 2560 1992 submersible Alvin
EPR, 14 N seamount inactive mid-ocean ridge N EPR 14.1500 -104.3667 2600 NotProvided
Mounds and Microbes active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.4500 -104.5383 2950 2002 submersible Alvin; 1994 submersible Alvin did not confirm activity
EPR, northern 17 N segment active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 17.6700 -105.0050 2800 1997 plume only
EPR, southern 17 N segment active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 16.5800 -105.3000 2700 1997 plume only
EPR, mid 17 N segment active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 17.0000 -105.3800 2750 1997 plume only
EPR, southern 16 N segment active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 15.5000 -105.4000 2300 1997 plume only
Teotihuacan active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 15.7333 -105.4333 2300 2010 submersible Nautile; 1997 plume only
Punta Mita, Bahia de Banderas active, confirmed other Coastal Mexico 20.7700 -105.5200 10 1997 photo/video most likely by SCUBA
EPR, Manzanillo Spreading Segment active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 18.2500 -106.3000 2600 1997 plume only
EPR, 5 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -5.0000 -106.4000 2650 1980's camera tows; 1993 and 1998 plume only; 1998 submersible Alvin did not confirm activity
EPR, 7 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -7.0000 -107.5500 2600 1985/86 or 1989 TV grab
EPR, 7 25'S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -7.4167 -107.8000 2750 1985/86 or 1989 TV grab (need to check references to confirm activity); 1998 submersible Alvin
EPR/Tamayo intersection active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 22.9333 -108.0667 3200 1979 submersible Alvin did not confirm activity
Alarcon Rise/Pescadero intersection active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 23.6423 -108.3948 2384 2015 ROV Doc Ricketts did not confirm activity
Alarcon Rise, Ja Sit active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 23.3765 -108.5315 2304 2012 ROV Doc Ricketts
Alarcon Rise, Meyibo active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 23.3553 -108.5443 2295 2012 ROV Doc Ricketts
Alarcon Rise, Tzab-ek active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 23.3526 -108.5597 2249 2015 ROV Doc Ricketts
Alarcon Rise/Tamayo intersection active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 23.2336 -108.6168 2358 2015 ROV Doc Ricketts did not confirm activity
Pescadero Basin, Auka active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 23.9567 -108.8618 3685 2015 ROV Doc Ricketts; 1990 or earlier plume only
EPR, 21 N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 20.8333 -109.0833 2600 1979 submersible Alvin; 1978 submersible Cyana discovered mineral deposits only
Green Seamount inactive mid-ocean ridge N EPR 20.8033 -109.2833 2000 1982 submersible Alvin observed only inactive
Red Seamount active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 20.8033 -109.3783 2000 1982 submersible Alvin
EPR, 10 34'S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -10.5667 -110.2800 2900 1985/86 or 1989 TV grab (need to check references to confirm activity)
EPR, 11 18'S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -11.3000 -110.5300 2650 1985/86 or 1989 TV grab (need to check references to confirm activity); 1998 submersible Alvin
EPR, 37 40'S Axial Dome active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Pacific-Antarctic Ridge -37.6667 -110.8667 2240 1997 video survey L'Atalante (do not know if activity confirmed); 1995 TV survey did not confirm activity; 2001 towed video and TV-grab definitely confirmed
