Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activitysort descending Tectonic Setting Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
EPR, 18 10'S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -18.1700 -113.3440 2700 1993 submersible Nautile; 1983 temperature and light attenuation anomalies
SPOT, Hatoma Knoll active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Okinawa Trough 24.8550 123.8410 1520 1999 submersible Shinkai 2000
Manuk Island active, confirmed arc volcano Banda/Sunda Arc -5.5300 130.2920 2
Niua North active, confirmed arc volcano Tonga Arc -15.0667 -173.5667 1375 2012 ROV Quest 4000; 2008 plume only
Menez Gwen active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 37.8417 -31.5250 865 1994 submersible Nautile
Hook Ridge active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Bransfield Strait -62.1940 -57.2745 1080 1997 hot sediment; 1995 plume only; 1999 even hotter sediment
Sea Cliff active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gorda Ridge 42.7550 -126.7083 2800 1988 submersible Sea Cliff; 1985 plume only; 1986 dredge and camera tow did not confirm activity
Axial Seamount, International District active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 45.9266 -129.9795 1544 1986 submersible Pisces IV
DESMOS Cauldron active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Manus Basin -3.6958 151.8717 2000 1990 deep-sea monitoring system (DESMOS) video and still cameras
Vulcano active, confirmed arc volcano Aeolian Arc, Tyrrhenian Sea 38.4000 15.0000 8 1960's shallow vents
Wright volcanic center active, confirmed arc volcano Kermadec Arc -31.8500 -179.1880 1165 2005 submersible PISCES V; 2004 plume NZAPLUME III cruise
Kulo Lasi active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -14.9200 -177.2500 1478 2010 submersible Nautile
MAR, 4 48'S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S MAR -4.8058 -12.3742 3050 2005 AUV ABE (cruise CD169 ) followed by ROV Quest (cruise M64/1)
PACMANUS field active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Manus Basin -3.7250 151.6700 1800 1991 deep-tow camera and video; 1995 submersible Shinkai 6500
Semyenov-2 active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 13.5137 -44.9630 2440 2009 TV grab and photo-TV profiling; 2007 deposits only
Rehu-Marka active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -17.4333 -113.2000 2590 1993 submersible Nautile; 1984 submersible Cyana - Auzende et al. (1996) says that no active black smokers were discovered but Krasnov et al. (1997) says one black smoker observed
Natsushima 84-1 Knoll active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Okinawa Trough 27.5750 127.1417 1600 1986 submersible Shinkai 2000
East Diamante volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Mariana Arc 15.9300 145.6700 457 2004 ROV ROPOS; 2003 plume only
Luso active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 38.9833 -29.8833 570 2018 ROV Luso
Solwara 17 active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Manus Basin -3.0380 147.5280 535 2009 commercial ROV Fugro FV300; 2008 plumes with some sites subsequently observed with ROV
AHA Field active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 1.7333 -102.2830 2850 2000 towed imaging ARGO-II
Teotihuacan active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 15.7333 -105.4333 2300 2010 submersible Nautile; 1997 plume only
Alarcon Rise, Meyibo active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 23.3553 -108.5443 2295 2012 ROV Doc Ricketts
Mata Tolu active, confirmed arc volcano Lau Basin -15.0049 -173.7936 1900 2010 towed camera; 2009 plume and dredge only
Punta Banda active, confirmed other Coastal Baja California 31.7500 -116.7500 30 1960's commercial abalone divers
Tempus Fugit active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 0.7683 -85.9100 2560 2011 ROV Little Hercules
Niua South active, confirmed arc volcano Tonga Arc -15.1650 -173.5700 1180 2008 commercial ROV
Nikko volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Mariana Arc 23.0833 142.3333 600 1992 submersible Shinkai 6500; 1979 first observed discolored water above the seamount
Healy volcano active, confirmed arc volcano Kermadec Arc -34.9840 178.9990 1370 2005 submersible Pisces V; 1999 plume only
North Knoll, Iheya Ridge active, confirmed back-arc spreading center Okinawa Trough 27.7908 126.8966 1100 1995 deep tow survey
