Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activity Tectonic Settingsort descending Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
MAR, 11 N active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 11.0380 -43.6483 4010 1984 plume only; 2009 plume only
Squid Forest inactive mid-ocean ridge Kolbeinsey Ridge 68.0000 -17.5000 900 1999 ROV Aglantha
Precious Stone Mountain active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 1.2200 -101.4900 1700 2009 deep-tow video and TV grab
EPR, 9 17'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.2800 -104.2166 2585 1989 Argo I towed video
near Jade Emperor Mountain, on-axis active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -37.8666 49.2166 3000 2010 plume only
Rehu-Marka active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -17.4333 -113.2000 2590 1993 submersible Nautile; 1984 submersible Cyana - Auzende et al. (1996) says that no active black smokers were discovered but Krasnov et al. (1997) says one black smoker observed
GEISEIR site 34, segment O3 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -47.4145 97.4373 2700 2009 plume only
Carlsberg Ridge, 1.67 S inactive mid-ocean ridge Carlsberg Ridge -1.6768 67.7700 4500 NotProvided
EPR, 29.8 S, Segment E1 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -29.8000 -111.7300 2580 1998 plume only
EPR, 15 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -15.0000 -112.7700 2640 1985/86 or 1989 TV grab (need to check references to confirm activity); 1993 plume only
Not Dead Yet active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 46.6899 -129.3772 2419 2007 ROV Jason II; 1991 camera tow did not confirm activity
SWIR, D54 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.4370 13.3120 4029 2000-2001 plume and dredge only
Axial Seamount, International District active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 45.9266 -129.9795 1544 1986 submersible Pisces IV
GEISEIR site 9, segment K3 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -41.9633 82.0600 2700 2010 plume only
Sea Cliff active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Gorda Ridge 42.7550 -126.7083 2800 1988 submersible Sea Cliff; 1985 plume only; 1986 dredge and camera tow did not confirm activity
West Valley active, inferred mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 48.4833 -129.0417 3000 1987 and 1988 deposits only (towed camera did not confirm activity)
EPR, Seamount 5 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 13.0000 -103.5000 1100 1988 or earlier camera and/or submersible (need to check reference)
Consag Basin active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Gulf of California 30.6333 -113.9083 140 2007 echosounder and grab samples
S Oceanographer active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 34.8670 -36.4330 3460 1992 plume only
CIR, 8-17 S, Segment 5, 12.6 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge CIR -12.6000 66.1000 3800 2010 plume only
SEIR-WXC02 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 137.0000 2620 2015 plume only
CIR, Segment 3, Hydrothermal Plume Site active, inferred mid-ocean ridge CIR -24.0000 69.6667 2840 1987 plume only; 2005/2006 plume only
MAR, 7 57'S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -7.9500 -13.4420 2600 2001 plume only
Brown Bear Seamount inactive mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 46.0333 -130.5500 1500 NotProvided
EPR, 17 56'S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -17.9400 -113.3170 2620 1993 plume only
Krasnov inactive mid-ocean ridge N MAR 16.6400 -46.4750 3900 2002 or earlier plume only; 2004 TV grab indicated inactive; 2007 ROV Victor indicated inactive
Semyenov-2 active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N MAR 13.5137 -44.9630 2440 2009 TV grab and photo-TV profiling; 2007 deposits only
AHA Field active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 1.7333 -102.2830 2850 2000 towed imaging ARGO-II
MAR, 28 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -27.7936 -13.3730 3217 2013 plume only
Zenith-Victory inactive mid-ocean ridge N MAR 20.1292 -45.6225 2390 2008 (need citation to confirm that the field was discovered by TV-profiling and dredging)
