Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activity Tectonic Settingsort ascending Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
Puy des Folles active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 20.5083 -45.6417 2000 1996 submersible Nautile observed only inactive vents
SWIR, D82 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.2080 15.5830 4100 2000-2001 plume only
Brown Bear Seamount inactive mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 46.0333 -130.5500 1500 NotProvided
SEIR-WXC22 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 132.1000 2950 2015 plume only
GEISEIR site 9, segment K3 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -41.9633 82.0600 2700 2010 plume only
Gakkel Ridge, 7.5 E active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Gakkel Ridge 85.0167 7.4500 3600 2001 plume only
Soria Moria active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Mohns Ridge 71.2593 -5.8146 750 2005 ROV BIODEEP-05 cruise
MAR, 27 N active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 27.0000 -44.5000 2900 1993 plume only
EPR, 17 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -17.0000 -113.1170 2680 1993 plume only
MAR, 19 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -19.3301 -11.9421 2707 2013 plume only
EPR, 1 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -0.8000 -102.4600 2800 2005 plume only
Pito Seamount active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -23.3275 -111.6402 2270 1993 submersible Nautile
E Eye of Mordor inactive mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 1.9058 -91.2310 1600 2005 towed video Medea found inactive chimneys
MAR, 30.8 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -30.8327 -13.4690 2950 2013 plume only
GEISEIR site 27, segment M5 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -43.9805 93.4571 2700 2009 plume only
Stealth active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -17.6167 -113.2330 2600 1996 Argo II towed video; 1993 plume only; 1998 submersible Alvin
Baby Bare Seamount active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge JdF Ridge 47.7100 -127.7870 2600 1995 submersible Alvin
Landing Stage active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -37.5000 51.0000 2300 2014 leg 2 or 3 of the 30th Chinese Cruise
Markov Deep active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 5.9100 -33.1800 3500 2001-2002 and 2003 dredge only
MESO Zone inactive mid-ocean ridge CIR -23.3927 69.2422 2850 1993 TV grab and water column measurements
GEISEIR site 10, segment K4 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -42.4770 82.7100 2500 1996 plume only; 2010 plume only
EPR, 21 40'S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -21.6340 -114.3010 2730 1987-1988 deposits only
EPR, 26 10'S active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge S EPR -26.2050 -112.6133 2600 1987 or earlier [need to check Marchig & Gundlach (1987)]; 2005 submersible Alvin did not observe active vents
EPR, 11 45'N, OSC active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 11.7775 -103.8300 2580 1984 Angus camera (or 1985 Argo video) tow with temperature; 1988 submersible Alvin dive #2004 (need reference to confirm activity)
Loki's Castle active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Mohns Ridge 73.5500 8.1500 2400 2008 ROV Bathysaurus
Tempus Fugit active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 0.7683 -85.9100 2560 2011 ROV Little Hercules
North FAMOUS active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 36.9670 -32.9670 2500 1994 plume only
EPR, 9 33'N active, confirmed mid-ocean ridge N EPR 9.5583 -104.2500 2574 1989 Argo I towed video; 1991 submersible Alvin
GEISEIR site 38, segment O4 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -48.0048 98.8232 2800 2009 plume only
Gorda Ridge, EP96A active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Gorda Ridge 42.6790 -126.7820 3150 1996 camera/temperature tow followed by ROV did not confirm hydrothermal activity
