Notes on Vent Field Description:
Crowhurst et al. (2009): "new venting field discoveries at ...far southern Valu Fa ridge are beyond any previously known areas of hydrothermal activity"; position from Fig.1, intersection of three tow lines in cruise report SS02/2009 ( "a good Eh anomaly with associated weak ΔNTU anomaly at a depth of about 1950m."; note: added 100m to plume depth for approximate water depth
Notes Relevant to Biology:
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
2009 plume and dredge only
Discovery References (text):
Cruise SS02/2009: Hydrothermal plume and structural geology mapping in the Tonga/Fiji region (
Crowhurst et al. (2009) Discovery of new hydrothermal venting sites in the Lau Basin, Tonga Back-Arc. AGU Fall Meeting abstract #OS13A-1180.