Notes on Vent Field Description:
Convincing evidence of active hydrothermal circulation on an ultra-slow ridge was first discovered in 1997 at several locations between 58.2° and 65.8°E on the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) during a plume survey using optical sensors; failed to find active vent on Shinkai 6500 dive in 1998
Notes Relevant to Biology:
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
Discovery References (text):
(plume only) German et al., Nature 395, 490-493, 1998, Hydrothermal activity along the southwest Indian ridge.
Other References (text):
Fujimoto et al., InterRidge News 8(1), 22-24, 1999, First submersible investigations of mid-ocean ridges in the Indian Ocean
SOHRIN et al. (1999) CTD observations to search for hydrothermal activity on the Southwest Indian Ridge and the Central Indian Ridge just north of the Rodriguez Triple Junction: the Yokosuka/Shinkai MODE'98 Leg 3 INDOYO cruise. JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research 15: 7-11.