Notes on Vent Field Description:
Segment 15B, CIR; German et al. (2001): cruise CD127 in 2001 "particle-rich anomalies were observed at 5 locations along ca. 300km of surveyed ridge-crest, including 4 sites all within the extended (hot-spot influenced) segment 15, which stretches from 18 deg 45 to 20 deg 14 min South"; Tamaki (2010): "The Solitaire field is characterized by extensive diffusing flows throughout the field"; Nakamura (2012): "The Solitaire fluids had chlorinities about 10% lower than ambient seawater and higher pH (4.8 measured at 25°C and 1 atm) compared to the other CIR hydrothermal vent fluids. H2 concentrations (up to 0.46 mmol/L). CH4 (~0.05 mmol/kg) and CO2 (~8 mmol/kg). Solitaire fluids are also characterized by high K/Cl ratios. The MORB at Solitaire hydrothermal field is known to be enriched in alkaline-elements due to the influence of plume components derived from the Réunion hot spot.
Notes Relevant to Biology:
Tamaki (2010): "The most outstanding feature was the prosperous macrofaunal communities that potentially contained the almost entire members of macrofaunal genera found in the CIR hydrothermal environments and even previously unexplored animal members (e.g., Alvinellidae polychaetes). Moreover, a new morphotype of scaly foot gastropod, of which one type has been known only in the Kairei field in the world, dominated the chemosynthetic animal communities in the Solitaire field."; Miyazaki et al. (2010): "Alviniconcha, mussels, [barnacles] and so on. However, the most outstanding feature was the presence of a new morphotype of ‘scaly-foot’ gastropod."; Nakamura, K. (2012): "Another notable discovery at the Solitaire field was the presence of alvinellid polychaetes".
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
2009 submersible Shinkai 6500; 2006 plume only
Discovery References (text):
Tamaki, K. (2010) Dodo Field and Solitaire Field: Newly Discovered Hydrothermal Fields at the Central Indian Ridge. AGU Fall Meeting abstract #OS21A-1468.
(plume only) Okamura et al. (2007) Discovery of hydrothermal plumes at the Rodoriguez segment, Mid-Indian Ridge. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21B-0604.
(plume only) Kawagucci et al., 2008, Methane, manganese, and helium-3 in newly discovered hydrothermal plumes over the Central Indian Ridge, 18°-20°S, G3, 9, Q10002, doi:10.1029/2008GC002082.
(plume only) Tamaki and Ura (2008) Rodriguez Segment of the Central Indian Ridge: Hotspot-ridge interaction and hydrothermal activity. AGU Fall Meeting Abstract T43B-2010.
Other References (text):
German et al. (2001) Hydrothermal Activity Along the Central Indian Ridge: Ridges, Hotspots and Philately. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2001, abstract #OS42E-06.
Miyazaki, J. et al. (2010) Macrofaunal communites at newly discovered hydrothermal fields in Central Indian Ridge. AGU Fall Meeting abstract #OS33F-06.
Nakamura K, Watanabe H, Miyazaki J, Takai K, Kawagucci S, et al. (2012) Discovery of New Hydrothermal Activity and Chemosynthetic Fauna on the Central Indian Ridge at 18°–20°S. PLoS ONE 7(3): e32965. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032965