Name Alias(es):
Jean Charcot Deep
Oceanographer and Shaban Deep
Host Rock:
E-MORB, evaporites, sediments
Notes on Vent Field Description:
intracontinental rift; Haase et al. (2000): "A layer of brines comparable to other Red Sea deeps occurs in the southern basins of the Shaban Deep but its temperature is only 3°C higher than that of normal bottom water indicating a low input of hydrothermal solutions (Pautot et al., 1984)."; note: well defined axial rift is absent in the northern Red Sea
Notes Relevant to Biology:
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
Discovery References (text):
[Pautot, G., et al., 1984. Discovery of a large brine deep in the northern Red Sea. Nature 310, pp. 133–136
Blum and Puchelt, Sedimentary- hosted polymetallic massive sulfide deposits of the Kebrit and Shaban Deeps, Red Sea, Miner. Depos. 26 (1991), pp. 217–227.]
Other References (text):
[Puchelt and Stoffers 1997]
Haase et al. (2000) Magmatism during extension of the lithosphere: geochemical constraints from lavas of the Shaban Deep, northern Red Sea. Chemical Geology 166: 225-239.