Notes on Vent Field Description:
position and depth approximate; second event plume, EP96B, discovered during GREAT 2 cruise; Baker et al. (1987): "Only one dredge (at 42°29'N) recovered minerals, such as sulfides (including minute quantities of pyrrhotite), sulfates, and talc deposits, indicating high-temperature fluids."; Chadwick et al. (1998): "it is possible (but not proven) that there were two eruption sites associated with the 1996 eruption - one at 42.665-42.688 N and the other at 42.605-42.615 N."; NOAA Vents Program webpage for northern Gorda Ridge:; near GR-4 in Baker et al. (1987)
Notes Relevant to Biology:
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
1984 deposits only; 1996 plume only
Discovery References (text):
[CLAGUE D., et al. (1984) Preliminary geological, geophysical, and biological data from the Gorda Ridge. U.S.G.S. Open-File report 84-364, 49 pp.]
Other References (text):
Baker et al., Deep Sea Res. 34, 1461-1476, 1987, Evidence for high-temperature hydrothermal venting on the Gorda Ridge, northeast Pacific Ocean
Chadwick et al. (1998) The 1996 Gorda Ridge eruption: geologic mapping, sidescan sonar, and SeaBeam comparison results. Deep Sea Research II 45: 2547-2569.