Notes on Vent Field Description:
hydrothermal plumes virtually continuous between 17 20' and 18 40'S; Haymon and White (2004) separate the 17 26'S, 17 34'S, 17 37'S, and 17 44' active fields on 3rd order ridge segments
Notes Relevant to Biology:
Alvin dive 3301 log includes "Anemones, Bacterial mats, Mussels, Sea cucumbers, Sea stars, Tube worms, Vent fish"
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
1998 submersible Alvin; 1993 plume only; not explored by Nautile in 1993 or Shinkai 6500 in 1994
Discovery References (text):
Other References (text):
Haymon and White (2004) Fine-scale segmentation of volcanic/hydrothermal systems along fast-spreading ridge crests. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 226: 367-382.