Deposit Type:
VSD, disseminated sulfides
Notes on Vent Field Description:
quartz vein in altered basalt with disseminated sulfides; sampled at Kane Fracture Zone "active" comer of the ridge-transform intersection
Notes Relevant to Biology:
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
1980 submersible Alvin did not observe hydrothermal activity
Discovery References (text):
Delaney et al., J Geophys. Res., 92(B9), 9175-9192, 1987, Quartz-Cemented Breccias From the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Samples of a High-Salinity Hydrothermal Upflow Zone
Kelley & Delaney, Earth Planet. Sci. Let., 83, 53-66, 1987, Two-phase separation and fracturing in mid-ocean ridge gabbros at temperatures greater than 700 C.