Notes on Vent Field Description:
Water column temperature anomaly near north flank of submarine volcano at 76 48'N
Notes Relevant to Biology:
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
1996 temperature anomaly and towed video did not confirm activity
Discovery References (text):
Sundvor (1997) Joint U.S., Russian and Norwegian research at Knipovich Ridge, Norwegian-Greenland Sea. InterRidge News 6(1): 17.
Other References (text):
Pedersen & Sundvor, InterRidge News, 7(2), 44, 1998, Manned submersible dives to the Knipovich Ridge, Norwegian-Greenland Sea
note: email from Rolf Pedersen to InterRidge in 2008 says "In 1998 I was involved in a cruise with the MIRs where we were trying to locate a vent field at the Knipovich Ridge based on previous camera tow observations (shimmering water). This was never - discovered."