Notes on Vent Field Description:
note: Fig. 1D in Charlou et al. (1996) labels this location inactive but Table 1 has Tchao Vent with diffuse black fluid; vent not shown on Fig. 6 in Auzende et al. (1996); just south of here, at 18 17'S, Alvin dive 3354 log says "Hundreds of inactive hydrothermal chimneys"; hydrothermal plumes virtually continuous between 17 20' and 18 40'S
Notes Relevant to Biology:
Alvin dive 3355 log in 1999 includes: "Anemones, Crabs, Non-vent fish, Sea stars, Vent fish, Holothurians"
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
Discovery References (text):
JM Auzende et al. (1996) Recent tectonic, magmatic, and hydrothermal activity on the East Pacific Rise between 17°S and 19°S: Submersible observations. J Geophys Res 101(B8): 17995-18010.
Other References (text):
(plume only) Baker, E., and T. Urabe (1996) Extensive distribution of hydrothermal plumes along the superfast spreading East Pacific Rise, 13°30′-18°40′S, J. Geophys. Res., 101(B4), 8685-8695
Charlou et al., J. Geophys. Res., 101, 15899-15919, 1996, Mineral and gas chemistry of hydrothermal fluids on an ultrafast spreading ridge: East Pacific Rise, 17° to 19°S (Naudur cruise, 1993) phase separation processes controlled by volcanic and tectonic activity.