Notes on Vent Field Description:
located in area with active detachment faulting; white smokers and vent-associated fauna, but no plume detected in hydrocasts (Beltenev et al. 2009); Escartin, J., et al. (2017): "This field shows several hydrothermal mounds, three of which are actively venting (Michaelangelo, Ash Lighthouse, and Yellow Submarine, Table 1). Hydrothermal fluids are clear to whitish, and vent at temperatures of about 316 C from fragile anhydrite chimneys up to about 2 m tall (Figure 13D)."; nearby inactive hydrothermal fields Semenov-1, 3, 4, and 5 are not presently listed in this database; Semenov-4: "preliminary estimated resources at least twice larger than those at the Krasnov hydrothermal field - the largest for the moment sulfide deposit at the MAR" Cherkashov et al. (2008);
Notes Relevant to Biology:
Beltenev et al. (2009): "The composition of species in the sample at St. 275 is typical of fauna associated with mussel beds at hydrothermal fields on the northern MAR. Of special interest is the record of the shrimp O. susannae (six specimens in the sample)."; Escartin, J., et al. (2017): "We observed extended mussel beds and associated bacterial mats the slopes of the Michelangelo mound, extended over an area few tens of meters in diameter, with diffuse hydrothermal outflow and small vents distributed throughout. In contrast, we observed no bacterial mats nor macrofauna at the Ash Lighthouse and Yellow Submarine vent sites.";
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first):
2009 TV grab and photo-TV profiling; 2007 deposits only
Discovery References (text):
(deposits only) Beltenev et al. (2007) A NEW HYDROTHERMAL FIELD AT 13 30’N ON THE MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE. InterRidge News 16: 9-10
(deposits only) Cherkashov et al. (2008) New important discoveries of hydrothermal deposits at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (geological setting, composition and resources). IGC Oslo abstracts, session MRD-03 Recent developments on marine mineral deposits
Beltenev et al. (2009) New data about hydrothermal fields on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 11- 14 N: 32nd Cruise R/V Professor Logatchev. InterRidge News 18: 13-17.
Other References (text):
SEARLE ET AL. (2007) AGU FALL MEETING "Development of Oceanic Core Complexes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 13-14N: Deep-Towed Geophysical Measurements and Detailed Seafloor Sampling"
MacLeod et al. (2009) Life cycle of oceanic core complexes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 287: 333-344.
Escartin, J., et al. (2017), Tectonic structure, evolution, and the nature of oceanic core complexes and their detachment fault zones (13 20' N and 13 30' N, Mid Atlantic Ridge), Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 18, doi:10.1002/2016GC006775.