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Salty Dawg Field

Name Alias(es): 
MGDS_FeatureID lowest in hierarchy: 
Vent Sites: 
Salty Dawg
Maximum Temperature: 
Location on map: 
National Jurisdiction: 
Maximum or Single Reported Depth (mbsl): 
Tectonic setting: 
Full Spreading Rate (mm/a): 
Volcano Number (if applicable): 
Host Rock: 
Deposit Type: 
Notes on Vent Field Description: 
Kelley et al. (2001a): "Within Salty Dawg, vent fluid temperatures reach up to 305 C and vigorous venting is constrained to a few, multi-flanged edifices that reach 25 m in height and 25 m in length. Largest structure Grendl reaches 25 m across and 25 m high. The field hosts over 25 sulfide structures, oxidized sulfide is abundant, and diffuse flow is dominant. Fluid compositions and temperatures are consistent with Salty Dawg being in a waning stage of evolution."; Cirque (sulfides) and Dune (tubeworms) are diffuse vent sites on axial valley wall just to W of Salty Dawg; area of Canadian marine protected area. Kelley et al (2012): >150 m in length, with core of field hosting 35 m long band of massive continuous sulfides. Intense hydrothermal plume encountered in 2005 above field (Kellogg and McDuff, 2010). A centred position has been provided by Ocean Network Canada based on their observations.
Notes Relevant to Biology: 
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first): 
1995 submersible Alvin, followed by ROV ROPOS
Discovery References (text): 
Delaney, J.R., et al., 1997, The Endeavour Hydrothermal System I: Cellular circulation above an active cracking front yields large sulfide structures, "fresh" vent water, and hyperthermophilic archae, RIDGE Events, vol. 8, No. 2, 11-19.
Other References (text): 
Kelley, D. et al. (2001a) Vent Field Distribution and Evolution Along the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2001, abstract #OS21B-0439.
Kelley, D. et al. (2001b). Geology and venting characteristics of the Mothra Hydrothermal Field, Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geology 29:959-962
Glickson, D.A. et al, (2006). The Sasquatch Hydrothermal Field: Linkages between seismic activity, hydrothermal flow, and geology. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 87(52): Fall Meeting Supplemental Abstract V23B-0614
Kelley, D. et al (2012). Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Oceanography, Special Issue on Ridge 2000 Program Research, Vol 25, No.1, Mar 2012, 44-61
Kellogg, J.P., and McDuff, R.E. (2010) A hydrographic transient above the Salty Dawg hydrothermal field, Endeavour segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geopsystems, 11, Q12001,