Vent Fields

Welcome to the InterRidge Global Database of Active Submarine Hydrothermal Vent Fields (the “InterRidge Vents Database”).
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Vent Field Name ID Activitysort ascending Tectonic Setting Region Latitude Longitude Maximum or Single Reported Depth Year and How Discovered
GEISEIR site 10, segment K4 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -42.4770 82.7100 2500 1996 plume only; 2010 plume only
NWLSC, Central Caldera active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -15.8000 -177.2666 2200 2008 plume and dredge only
MAR, 4 02'S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -4.0333 -12.2500 4000 2005 plume only
MAR, 33 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -32.9676 -14.4517 2600 2013 plume only
Eye of Mordor Seamount active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Galapagos Rift 1.9410 -91.3100 1555 2005 plume only
Mohns Ridge, 72.8 N active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Mohns Ridge 72.8060 4.1650 2300 2013 plume only
Discovery Deep active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Red Sea 21.2830 38.0500 2100 1965 "confirmed" hot brine and cored seafloor, but see Table 1 in Miller et al. (1966) for historical measurements
GEISEIR site 12, segment K4 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -42.6600 83.0366 2600 2010 plume only
GEISEIR site 33, segment O2 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -47.2383 97.1566 2700 2009 plume only
SWIR, D9B active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -52.7070 18.8170 3931 2000-2001 plume and dredge only
VFR, ELSC7 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -22.8833 -176.7500 2050 2009 plume and dredge only
Momoko active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -22.6400 -176.7210 2180 1989 submersible Nautile
Gakkel Ridge, 7.5 E active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Gakkel Ridge 85.0167 7.4500 3600 2001 plume only
CLSC, plumes on CL1 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -17.8667 -176.3833 2250 2009 plume only
East Mata submarine volcano active, inferred arc volcano Tonga Arc -15.1010 -173.6780 1350 2008 plume only; 2009 plume only
CIR, 8-17 S, Segment 5, 12.25 S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge CIR -12.2500 65.7000 4000 2010 plume only
EPR, Manzanillo Spreading Segment active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N EPR 18.2500 -106.3000 2600 1997 plume only
TaiJi active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S MAR -13.5900 -14.5200 3180 2011 plume only
SEIR-WXC12 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -50.2500 136.2500 2780 2015 plume only
Puy des Folles active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 20.5083 -45.6417 2000 1996 submersible Nautile observed only inactive vents
Bayonnaise Knoll caldera active, inferred back-arc spreading center Izu-Bonin back-arc 31.9667 139.7333 900 2003 temperature anomalies, but camera survey observed inactive vent deposits
N Oceanographer active, inferred mid-ocean ridge N MAR 35.2830 -34.8670 2600 1992 plume only
EPR, 28 S, Segment W3 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -28.0170 -112.9040 2130 1998 plume only
EPR, 14 18'S active, inferred mid-ocean ridge S EPR -14.3000 -112.6670 2630 1993 plume only
MTJ, T08C03 and T08C04 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -15.6100 -174.8200 2300 2008 plume only
ESR, E5 active, inferred back-arc spreading center East Scotia Ridge -57.5000 -30.2000 3000 1999 plume only
GEISEIR site 23, segment M2 active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SEIR -42.0272 89.2205 2400 2009 plume only
C-ELSC, plume 18 active, inferred back-arc spreading center Lau Basin -20.9500 -176.2390 2230 2004 plume only
Magic Mountain, 3-km south active, inferred mid-ocean ridge Explorer Ridge 49.7250 -130.2667 1850 2002 AUV ABE plume only
SWIR, 51.7 E active, inferred mid-ocean ridge SWIR -37.4660 51.7320 1595 2008 plume and dredge only
