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Name Alias(es): 
MAR, 15 S
15.2 S hydrothermal field
MGDS_FeatureID lowest in hierarchy: 
Max Temperature Category: 
Location on map: 
National Jurisdiction: 
Maximum or Single Reported Depth (mbsl): 
Minimum Depth (mbsl): 
Tectonic setting: 
Full Spreading Rate (mm/a): 
Volcano Number (if applicable): 
Host Rock: 
Deposit Type: 
Notes on Vent Field Description: 
Xu et al. (2017): "TV-grab on the DY115-26 cruise... (13.35°W, 15.16°S) in August 2012... black smoker chimney at 2770 m (TVG 10 W and TVG 10N)"; Devey (2014): AUV Abyss dive 134; Tao et al. (2017): Deyin-1 on segment S16, discovered 22nd cruise 2011, sulfides collected 26th cruise 2012
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first): 
2012 TV-grab; 2011 deposits only; 2013 plume only
Discovery References (text): 
[Ye, J. et al., 2013, The Mineralogy and Isotope Geochemistry of Active Hydrothermal Field at South Atlantic Mid-Ocean Ridge 15°S (UMI 2013 abstract)];
Devey, C. (2014) SoMARTherm: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge 13-33°S – Cruise No. MSM25 – January 24 – March 5, 2013 – Cape Town (South Africa) – Mindelo (Cape Verde). MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, MSM25, 80 pp., DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, DOI:10.2312/cr_msm25;
Other References (text): 
Xu, W., et al. (2017), Fungi associated with chimney and sulfide samples from a South Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal site: Distribution, diversity and abundance. Deep Sea Research I, 123, 48-55,;
Wang, S., Li, H., Zhai, S., et al. (2017) Mineralogical characteristics of polymetallic sulfides from the Deyin-1 hydrothermal field near 15°S, southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Acta Oceanol. Sin. 36: 22. doi:10.1007/s13131-016-0961-3;
Tao, C., Chen, S., Baker, E.T., et al. (2017) Hydrothermal plume mapping as a prospecting tool for seafloor sulfide deposits: a case study at the Zouyu-1 and Zouyu-2 hydrothermal fields in the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Mar Geophys Res 38: 3. doi:10.1007/s11001-016-9275-2;
Wang, H. et al. (2017) Mineralogy, geochemistry, and Sr-Pb isotopic geochemistry of hydrothermal massive sulfides from the 15.2°S hydrothermal field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Journal of Marine Systems 180: 220-227;
Schmid, F. et al. (2019) Physico-chemical properties of newly discovered hydrothermal plumes above the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (13°-33°S) Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 148: 34-52;