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GEISEIR site 2, segment J4

Name Alias(es): 
SEIR, 21
MGDS_FeatureID lowest in hierarchy: 
Location on map: 
Maximum or Single Reported Depth (mbsl): 
Tectonic setting: 
Full Spreading Rate (mm/a): 
Volcano Number (if applicable): 
Host Rock: 
Deposit Type: 
Notes on Vent Field Description: 
Southward et al. (1997): 41 14.95'S, 79 06.04'E, "At one anomaly, near the centre of a ridge segment, 2770 to 2800 m depth, a geological dredge haul contained eight specimens of the new barnacle. The dredge came up full of basalt (600 kg) after just over one hour on the bottom, having traversed an estimated 550 m along the sea bed."
Notes Relevant to Biology: 
Southward et al. (1997): "new species of the stalked barnacle Neolepas"
Year and How Discovered (if active, visual confirmation is listed first): 
1996 plume and dredge only
Discovery References (text): 
Southward, A. J., W. A. Newman, V. Tunnicliffe, D. Scheirer, and K. Johnson. 1997. Biological indicators confirm hydrothermal venting on the Southeast Indian Ridge. BRIDGE Newsletter 12: 35-39
Scheirer et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 97-100, 1998, Detection of hydrothermal plumes along the Southeast Indian Ridge near the Amsterdam-St. Paul Plateau
Other References (text): 
Baker, E. T., C. Hémond, A. Briais, M. Maia, D. S. Scheirer, S. L. Walker, T. Wang, and Y. J. Chen (2014), Correlated patterns in hydrothermal plume distribution and apparent magmatic budget along 2500 km of the Southeast Indian Ridge, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 15, 3198-3211, doi:10.1002/2014GC005344